O-PCE, also known as N-ethyldeschloroketamine, eticyclidone or 2-Oxo-PCE, is a novel dissociative substance. It has similarities to 2FDCK, but is also stimulatory and more potent.

Bestellen O-PCE

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517535In den Warenkorb   
1029529.5In den Warenkorb   
2549519.8In den Warenkorb   
Spezialkonditionen für Wiederverkäufer:


Die IUPAC von O-PCE ist '2-(ethylamino)-2-phenylcyclohexan-1-one', ihre CAS-Nummer ist 4551-92-2.

Chemical structure of O-PCE

Rechtsstatus O-PCE

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legal info map for our product O-PCE, green are countries where we found no ban, red with ban, grey is unknown
Verboten. Wir versenden O-PCE nicht dorthin.
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Unbekannt. Mailen Sie uns, bevor Sie bestellen.


Image from our product O-PCE-crystals which we make at our dedicated lab
Compared to 2FDCK, this compound can be described as generally more stimulant, with less cognitive and sensory suppression. It has been reported that the first half of the duration of action produces primarily stimulant effects with minimal dissociation, while the second half is primarily dissociative with minimal stimulation.
Its stimulation is comparable to that of classical stimulants such as methylphenidate or cocaine, but is less functional.
Visual hallucinations occur with closed eyes.

Qualitätssicherung bei Juklislab

Bei Juklislab setzen wir uns dafür ein, die höchste Qualität von O-PCE für Forschungszwecke bereitzustellen. Unsere Produkte unterliegen strengen Tests, um Reinheit, Potenz und Konsistenz sicherzustellen. Wir verstehen die Bedeutung zuverlässiger Materialien in wissenschaftlichen Studien und bemühen uns, Forscher auf ihrem Weg zum Wissen zu unterstützen. Unser Qualitätssicherungsprozess umfasst:


A few fellow Northern European- breed mice, got a little qift of O-PCE. This is definitely a dissoative, and holy cow it is STRONG!!! One took quite time to spit these words out;'THIS IS... THIS IS THE SHIT & something about the tranquility of 3-MeO-PCP&MXE.

Long story short; seems like described, VERY potent, overall quality is well just as perfect I'd expect fromJuklis, haha. Keep up with good work!

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