
a-PiHP, también llamado α-Pyrrolidinoisohexaphenon, es un nuevo producto químico de investigación de la familia de las catinonas sustituidas con similitudes estructurales con el MDPV. Exhibe una estimulación muy fuerte en ratas y se sospecha que es un inhibidor de la recaptación de adrenalina y dopamina.

Order a-PiHP

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La IUPAC de a-PiHP es '4-methyl-1-phenyl-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pentan-1-on', su número CAS es 2181620-71-1.

Chemical structure of a-PiHP

Legal Status a-PiHP

Este producto debe ser legal en el país de destino o no aceptaremos el pedido. Es responsabilidad del cliente realizar las investigaciones necesarias en relación con sus leyes locales. A continuación encontrará un mapa que muestra cómo vemos la situación actual de la legalidad de a-pihp. Nuestra propia investigación jurídica llegó a la conclusión de que a-pihp no está regulado en Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Sweden, Luxembourg, Republic of Serbia, Iceland, Portugal, Netherlands.
Si usted piensa que estos datos son incorrectos, por favor envíenos un email con los textos de la ley. Sólo enviamos a zonas verdes. Estamos seguros de que a-pihp está prohibido en las zonas rojas. No sabemos sobre las áreas grises/marrones, si desea un envío a un país así, por favor, proporciónenos los textos de las leyes locales y cambiaremos el color a verde después de una comprobación positiva.

legal info map for our product a-PiHP, green are countries where we found no ban, red with ban, grey is unknown
Prohibido. No enviamos a-PiHP allí
Probablemente legal. Enviamos a-PiHP allí
Desconocido. Pregúntenos antes de hacer su pedido


Image from our product a-PiHP-crystals which we make at our dedicated lab
a-PiHP es un estimulante sintético de las clases catinona y pirrolidina, que incluye compuestos como MDPV, hexeno y a-PHP. Está químicamente relacionado con el prolintano. Actúa como un inhibidor de la recaptación de norepinefrina dopamina.

Quality Assurance at Juklislab

At Juklislab, we are committed to providing the highest quality a-PiHP for research purposes. Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure purity, potency, and consistency. We understand the importance of reliable materials in scientific studies and strive to support researchers in their quest for knowledge. Our quality assurance process includes:

Reseñas de productos

It's so difficult to get the chance to make so good product is very important for the others who have the same thing as i have tested no one else except dr.juklis made so sweet product the taste smoking that is better than anything else been trying of a PiHP but be careful when you using more than 150 ml.daily nothing higher effect of happiness can give you to be honest can be dangerous depends the person every one is having different organism react separately and must have a company to look after it's other.Personaly never used at the most 200 mk.daily but rear time to make that quantity better from our people is using by smoking than from nose because is burning from a 50 ml.of every dose from nose but always to of 150 ml.daily never passing that limit also is the cure for being heroin addicted is make the persons like they find their medicine against heroin that telling me and even not be able for smoking cigarettes tell me they close to quit smoking also from a packet of cigarettes per day made a packet to one week.Keep going the good work dr.juklis and never been able to change supplier also i want to say quantity always been most than grams i order but sometimes made some order mistakes that is human effect of that no one is perfect just look after the orders to be completed right with out mistakes because in my country is better than gold for my clients.I wish Merry Christmas to all from Greece and happy new year to all the people.Dr.juklis being the best suggested to all of you out there.
Ordered some. Got it and its mut bien, but im kind of haha-pissed. ASAP i made My order the price went down so much. 15g More would have Been 45e More. But i got what i ordered then. Need Better timing next Time. Awesome product. This is The best.
No Scam, good quality, good delivery, weight was sadly first time under ordered 10 get 8, pictures are real you will get what you see there so perfect service as ever...
Second order, always overweight, nice stuff to research. A lot of thanks for the free sample (I ordered two and came three packages). But I don't know what's is, I'll look the pictures and try to figure what is. If you don't mind and have time please send me what is at n*c*.th*@gmail.com. Thank you!
Segundo pedido, siempre viene de más, buen material para la investigación. Muchísimas gracias por las muestra gratis (pedí dos y vinieron tres envíos). Pero no sé lo que es, miraré las imágenes y trataré de figurar cual es. Si no te importa y tienes tiempo por favor envíame que es a n*c*.th*@gmail.com.
I received my order today, only took one day since jukis lab send me the tracking, amazing delivery speed, I think they have local suppliers arround EU, or just are in my country (western europe).
I ordered 5 grams and came 5.65 grams, great.
Thank you.
Recibí mi pedido hoy, solo tomó un día desde que jukis lab me enviara el código de tracking, velocidad de reparto asombrosa, yo creo que tienen distribuidores locales por Europa, o simplemente están en mi país (oeste de Europa).
Pedí 5 gramos y vinieron 5.65 gramos, genial.

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