6APB-pellets 120mg

120mg pellets of 6-(2-Aminopropyl)benzofuran, commonly referred to as 6-APB or Benzofury, is a older entactogen belonging to the benzofuran class. It shares structural similarities with other well-known entactogens such as MDA, MDMA, 5-APB, and 5-MAPB.

The compound was first synthesized by David E. Nichols in 1993 as a potential non-neurotoxic alternative to MDMA. However, its recreational use was not documented until over a decade later, when it briefly emerged within the rave culture and the global research chemical market. During this time, it was marketed alongside other novel benzofuran entactogens under the name Benzofury, before subsequent regulations led to a ban on its sale and importation.

Users have reported subjective effects that include reduced anxiety, increased disinhibition, muscle relaxation, and euphoria. The effects of 6-APB are often likened to those of MDA and other entactogenic substances.

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The IUPAC of 6APB-pel is '6-(2-aminopropyl)-benzofuran', its CAS number is 286834-85-3.

Chemical structure of 6APB-pel

Legal Status 6APB-pellets 120mg

This product must be legal in the destination country, or we won't accept the order. It is the customer's responsibility to conduct the necessary research regarding their local laws. Below you find a map that shows how we see the current situation regarding the legality of 6apb-pel, based on this documents.
If you think this data is incorrect, please email us about it. We only ship to green areas. We don't know about the grey areas. If you want a shipment to such a country, please provide us your local law-texts, and we will change color to green after a positive check.

legal info map for our product 6APB-pel, green are countries where we found no ban, red with ban, grey is unknown
Banned. We dont ship 6APB-pel there
Probably legal. We ship 6APB-pel there
Unknown. Mail us before you order

Product description

Image from our product 6APB-pel-crystals which we make at our dedicated lab

Quality Assurance at Juklislab

At Juklislab, we are committed to providing the highest quality 6APB-pellets 120mg for research purposes. Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure purity, potency, and consistency. We understand the importance of reliable materials in scientific studies and strive to support researchers in their quest for knowledge. Our quality assurance process includes:

Product reviews

Nice product. In my research it took some time to make any kind of efect but it finally did. Very pleasant sensations. The pills are very well compacted avoiding them to turn into dust and they really contain the same amount of active product for what I could find out.
Some visual distortion can be felt and even some kind of pleasant disorientation.
The package arrived perfectly sealed under vacuum. Not even one broken pill which is pretty good considering other pills I ordered in other sites
There is some kind of need for speaking to other people and increase of sexual appetence.
It is written that the effects are similar to mda, which I can confirm, just milder effects than with mda.
I definetly totally recomend this product.
You might have sleeping troubles if you research too much. I used three pills for the research project because it takes over an hour to make effect and it seems They’re never ever go high but it eventually does so be patient.
I am very happy that this product is not banned in my country
I would be willing to purchse big bulk but 4€ per pill is way too much. 1000 pills should be around 80/90 cents but I am afraid they would cost four times more. Anyway it’s worth to try them even in small amount just for personal research.

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