
Read first: This product is NOT a substitute for NEP or pyrovalerones — it is something entirely different. It acts as a smooth serotonin and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, with calming and stoning effects, due to its serotonin activity. If you're seeking a potent stimulant, we recommend NEP or MDPHP instead. This substance is especially useful for adding serotonin activity to adrenaline-based stimulants, effectively reducing their compulsive edge and creating a more balanced and enjoyable experience.

Introducing our latest invention Iso-Hex, a structural isomere of Hex-En that works as a dopamine and serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

It features the same sidechain as a-PiHP, enabling it to fully transition its effects from adrenaline to dopamine, and to our surprise, even more prominently to serotonin. This unique pharmacological profile delivers an entirely distinct experience from its parent compounds - it offers mood elevation and mild stimulation without inducing any stress as it has no adrenaline activity. Moreover, it possess a calming, `stoning` effect.

Iso-Hex mixes seamlessly with NEP when taken beforehand. This combination reduces the compulsive edge of NEP, leading to a more enjoyable, relaxed empathogenic experience, and results in a more manageable comedown. Generally Iso-Hex counteracts overstimulation in a way similar to benzodiazepines, but instead of numbing or dulling the experience, it adds a 'serotonine-warmth'.

We recommend an initial oral dosage of 30mg. Be one of the first to experience its unique effects.

Other names: NEiH, iso-Hex-En, iHexEn, N-ethyl-Iso-Hexedrone

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The IUPAC of Iso-Hex is '2-(ethylamino)-4-methyl-1-phenylpentan-1-one', its CAS number is unknown.

Chemical structure of Iso-Hex

Legal Status Iso-Hex

This product must be legal in the destination country, or we won't accept the order. It is the customer's responsibility to conduct the necessary research regarding their local laws. Below you find a map that shows how we see the current situation regarding the legality of iso-hex, based on this documents.
If you think this data is incorrect, please email us about it. We only ship to green areas. We don't know about the grey areas. If you want a shipment to such a country, please provide us your local law-texts, and we will change color to green after a positive check.

legal info map for our product Iso-Hex, green are countries where we found no ban, red with ban, grey is unknown
Banned. We dont ship Iso-Hex there
Probably legal. We ship Iso-Hex there
Unknown. Mail us before you order

Product description

Image from our product Iso-Hex-crystals which we make at our dedicated lab
First online Tripreports:


*) 'Vapes quite well, but its not like Hexen or NEP, the website states its a triple releaser of some sort, so dont expect a typical cath rush. It definitely does not have any norepinephrin activity like the vendor claims, it's actually quite calming (...) I quite enjoy it

Q: 'How similar is it to NEH or NEP?

A: 'Not at all similar, it's kinda sedating, (,,,) Think it would mix well with hexen or nep

*) 'Some guy mixed it with nep and said it was similar to 3mmc

*) 'for me barely recreational usage. i can stare point blank 15 min to 1 spot when im on that stuff. like my receptors are being regulated. it feels like a medicine


*) 'It is vapable. I kinda like it but it has not cathinone rush. Its heavy ons serotonin and dopamine, but almost 0 norepinephrine. I quite like it. Perhaps its a good mixer


*) 'this is a substance that requires another substance to become a drugs, as is, it's nothing. add nep or 4mpd and suddenly it's a drug. it also lowers HR/­BP of stimulant.

Quality Assurance at Juklislab

At Juklislab, we are committed to providing the highest quality Iso-Hex for research purposes. Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure purity, potency, and consistency. We understand the importance of reliable materials in scientific studies and strive to support researchers in their quest for knowledge. Our quality assurance process includes:

Product reviews

Mixes perfect with NEP!!! 30mg isohex orally an hour before starting, the NEP gets like 3MMC! with a smoother, MDMA like high and a easy comedown

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